My Writing… and stuff

an attempt to be accountable (and talk about my kiddos)

More Writing and Scrapbooking May 24, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Vada @ 7:18 pm

I’m trying to get back into writing, but I’m struggling with everything else going on. I went and saw Star Trek the other day (it was great!), and it made me want to work on my space opera WIP. I told DH that I wouldn’t switch what I was working on, but since that’s the one he really wants to read I might be able to get away with it. Hopefully it’ll spur me into some more progress.

My sister Anna is still trying to win a scrapbooking desk. It’s nice, but I think I prefer this product:

That’s what I would buy for my stuff — it has lots of cubbies to keep things organized, but it closes nicely to keep it out of sight, and even better, to keep little hands out of it. Anyway, look at the cool products and then vote for Anna!


One Response to “More Writing and Scrapbooking”

  1. Hi Brian, thanks for commenting. I agree that there are no easy answers to the problem (which is part of why this blog has remained a bit stale while Click

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